Dietary Advice

Many sufferers of Kidney Disease are placed on special diets by their consultants and dieticians. As the kidneys play a key role in filtering and maintaining various levels in the blood when they fail to function effectively those levels must be maintained manually. You should always take medical advice on diet as an incorrect balance could leave you you with dangerously low or high levels of vital vitamins and minerals.

On this page we have gathered together information and links for various common diets used by people living with CKD. We hope that they will provide some inspiration at meal times.

Renastep Recipes

Renastep is a fomulation for children progressing from Renastart milk onto more adult diets..

Renastep Recipes

An NHS issued .

Do you have any recipes or information Renastep? Why not Get Involved and share your ideas?

Low Potassium and Phosphate Diets

Because the health kidneys maintain our levels of Potassium and Phosphate when their capacity is reduced these levels can very easily become too high. Doctors and Dieticians sometimes put patients on Low Potassium or low Phosphate diets to reduce the amount kidneys need to filter out.

Great Ormond Street Hospital Advice

Advice from GOSH on eating a .

Leeds Children's Hospital Low Potassium Diet

A fantastic document put together by the team at Leeds Children's Hospital for people on a Low Potassium Diet.


KidneyWise is run by two dieticians and provides helpful information about what to eat when you have CKD. It's well worth a look!

Renal Recipes

Take a look at RenalRecipes on Instagram. It is created by Phillipa, one of our community.

Anything To Add?

Do you have something to share which would make this page better? Please Get Involved and tell other people what you know!